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Call 58° ERSA Congress Session S47

Prorogata la scadenza al 9 marzo 2018 per presentare un abstract alla Sessione S47 "Ecological Resilience and Care of the Common House to build the Landscape of Contemporaneity and Future Scenarios of Territories and Cities" , organizzata dal prof. Stefano Aragona, al 58° Congresso dell'ERSA - European Regional Science Association che si svolgerà a Cork, Irlanda, dal 28 al 31 agosto 2018.

Abstract della Sessione
The Session has its main base in the ecological vision of territory and city. It is linked to the holistic philosophy of social and spatial transformations. Transformations that involve attention
to the short term but which must be connected to the medium and long term. This requires actions to act immediately, included in broad strategies. All this considering the territory and the city as "Common Good", citing the 2015 Encyclical "Laudato Sii for the Care of the Common House". Thus going far beyond the idea of cities as "public space" and emphasizing the care of it, ie. of its management. In this debate a very important contribution comes from scientific works that also require from a legal point of view the modification of the relationship between man and nature as done by F. Capra and U. Mattei U. (2017) in "Ecology of law. Science, politics, common goods".

ERSA2018 Call for Abstracts is now OPEN!
Call for Abstracts Deadline Extended!
Due to the high number of submissions so far, the deadline for submission has been extended to March 9th, 2018 (GMT+1)
#ersacork18 #cometocork

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