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Advanced Thermography Center

Dipartimento: Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione, delle Infrastrutture e dell'Energia Sostenibile
Ubicazione e recapiti: DIIES
Quarto Piano
Via Graziella, Loc. Feo Di Vito
89122 Reggio Calabria
tel. +39 0965 1693227
fax +39 0965 1693227
Superficie (mq): 100
Locali: 2
Direttore: Rosario Morello
Mail: Mail
Responsabile tecnico: Rosario Morello
Sito web:
Ricercatori: Rosario Morello (IMIS-01/B)
Altro personale: Filippo Ruffa (ING-INF/07); Gaetano Fulco (ING-INF/07)


L’Advanced Thermography Center intende promuovere la ricerca scientifica nel settore delle misure termometriche e termografiche anche mediante attività di trasferimento di conoscenze e tecnologie. Il Laboratorio possiede una qualificata esperienza nel settore della termografia passiva ed attiva con applicazioni nei seguenti settori: biomedicale, beni culturali, caratterizzazione d microfessure e cricche in materiali compositi e metallici, caratterizzazione di smart materials, agroalimentare, monitoraggio ambientale e inquinamento, caratterizzazione di stati emozionali, lie detection, diagnosi precoce del tumore della pelle, processi infiammatori, dolore neurogeno periferico.


Il gruppo di ricerca del Laboratorio si occupa in particolare di progettazione e sviluppo di tecniche diagnostiche di termografia avanzata per la caratterizzazione termica di oggetti e tessuti.

Relazioni internazionali

Direzione e coordinamento di un gruppo di ricerca nell'ambito di un progetto internazionale condotto in collaborazione con il Department of Health Science and Technology, Aalborg University per lo svolgimento di attività di Ricerca e Sviluppo sul dolore cronico.
Direzione e coordinamento di un gruppo di ricerca nell'ambito di un progetto internazionale condotto in collaborazione con l'Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, Missouri, United States, rappresentato dal Prof. Reza Zoughi per lo svolgimento di attività di Ricerca e Sviluppo sulla diagnosi precoce del tumore della pelle.
Lesson on "Measurement Uncertainty and Decision Making", International Research Centre for Telecommunications and Radar (IRCTR), Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands, October 25, 2013.
Organizzazione di Congressi Internazionali: 6th Imeko TC19 Symposium on Environmental Instrumentation and Measurements, EnvIMEKO 2016, June 24-25, 2016, Reggio Calabria, Italy; e Second Edition 6th Imeko TC19 Workshop on Environmental Instrumentation and Measurements: “Measurements for the Coastal Monitoring”, EnvImeko 2016 SE, October 28, 2016, Reggio Calabria, Italy.
Partecipazione a diversi Working Group per la redazione di nuovi Standard ISO/IEC/IEEE:
Study Group for the revision of the ISO/IEC/IEEE 21451-001 Standard “Recommended Practices for the Signal Treatment Applied to Smart Transducers”, sponsored by the Instrumentation and Measurement Society (IMS)/TC-9, sponsored by the Instrumentation and Measurement Society (IMS)/TC-9 and TC-7, Chair Gustavo Monte.
Working Group for the revision of the ISO/IEC/IEEE 21451-1-4 Standard “Sensei/IOT" - a semantic web standard for Sensor Networks, M2M, and the Internet of Things (IoT), sponsored by the Instrumentation and Measurement Society (IMS)/TC-9, Chair William Miller.
Study Group for the revision of the IEEE 1588™ -2008 “Standard for a Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked Measurement and Control Systems”, sponsored by the Instrumentation and Measurement Society (IMS)/TC-9, Chairs John Eidson and Doug Arnold.

Horizon 2020 topics

SC1-BHC-06-2020 Digital diagnostics – developing tools for supporting clinical decisions by integrating various diagnostic data
SC1-BHC-17-2020 Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD) - Prevention and/or early diagnosis of cancer
SFS-04-2019-2020 Integrated health approaches and alternatives to pesticide use

Smart Specialisation Strategy Calabria (S3 Calabria)

Agroalimentare / Food Farming
Bioedilizia / Green Building
Ambiente e rischi naturali / Environment and natural risks
Scienze della vita / Life Science

Linee di ricerca

Responsabile Parole chiave Tematiche ERC
Rosario Morello Monitoraggio di beni archeologici, stato di conservazione PE2_17 - Statistical physics (gases)
PE7_8 - Networks
Rosario Morello Biomedica, telemedicina, algoritmi di diagnosi LS7_1 - Medical engineering and technology
LS7_8 - Radiation therapy
Rosario Morello Biotecnologie, biosegnali, elettromiografia LS7_1 - Medical engineering and technology
LS7_8 - Radiation therapy

Brevetti e riconoscimenti

Titolare Brevetti Riconoscimenti
Rosario Morello Nomina membro del Comitato Tecnico Internazionale IMEKO TC19 – Environmental Measurement
Membership Appointment as member of the Technical Committee of IMEKO TC19 – Environmental Measurement

Nomina membro del Comitato Tecnico Internazionale IMEKO TC13 – Measurements in Biology and Medicine
Membership Appointment as member of the Technical Committee of IMEKO TC13 – Measurements in Biology and Medicine

Associate Editor delle riviste internazionali IEEE Sensors Journal e Metrology and Measurement Systems Journal
Associate Editor of IEEE Sensors Journal and Metrology and Measurement Systems Journal

Servizi conto terzi

Responsabile Parole chiave Servizi
Rosario Morello biotecnologie progettazione e sviluppo di sistemi biomedicali e biotecnologie per la diagnosi di patologie
Rosario Morello monitoraggio ambientale, inquinamento termografia avanzata, prove non distruttive conduzione di campagne di monitoraggio ambientale
Rosario Morello termografia avanzata, prove non distruttive Progettazione ed esecuzione di test, prove di vita accelerata e test non distruttivi per la caratterizzazione di componenti e sistemi

Grandi attrezzature

Attrezzatura: Stazione di misura per la caratterizzazione di sollecitazioni termiche mediante Termocamera FLIR x8400sc ad elevate prestazioni e software elaborazioni immagini.
La presente attrezzatura è costituita da un banco di misura per prove su componenti, sistemi e tessuti/liquidi biologici sottoposti a stress termico. Nello specifico la stazione si compone di strumentazione di misura ad elevate prestazioni in grado di acquisire ed elaborare immagini termometriche e caratterizzare le prestazioni di singoli componenti o tessuti/liquidi biologici in presenza di sollecitazioni termiche.

Measurement equipment for the characterisation of thermal responses by Thermal Camera FLIR x8400sc with high performances and software image processing
This equipment consists of a measurement system for non-destructive tests on components, systems and tissue/biologic fluids solicited by thermal stress. The high-performances measurement equipment is able to acquire and process thermographic images in order to characterise the thermal response of components or tissue/biologic fluids in presence of thermal solicitations.
Tipologia: Ad uso esclusivo
Responsabili Rosario Morello
Classificazione: Physical Sciences and Engineering
Fondi: Regionali/Nazionali
Anno attivazione: 2013
Utenza: Interna
Applicazioni: Progetti di Ricerca
Collaborazioni Scientifiche

Advanced Thermography Center

Department: Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione, delle Infrastrutture e dell'Energia Sostenibile
Location and Contacts: DIIES
Quarto Piano
Via Graziella, Loc. Feo Di Vito
89122 Reggio Calabria
tel. +39 0965 1693227
fax +39 0965 1693227
Area (mq): 100
Rooms: 2
Director: Rosario Morello
Mail: Mail
Technical Responsible: Rosario Morello
Sito web:
Researchers: Rosario Morello (IMIS-01/B)
Other staff: Filippo Ruffa (ING-INF/07); Gaetano Fulco (ING-INF/07)

Principal aims

The Advanced Thermography Center carries out research activities in the field of thermographic and thermometric measurements even by transferring scientific knowledge and technologies. The Laboratory has a qualified expertise in the field of active and passive thermography. Fields of interest are: biotechnologies, biomedical applications, archaeological heritage, characterization of cracks in composite and metal materials, characterization of smart materials, food, environmental and pollution monitoring, characterization of emotional states, lie detection, early diagnosis of skin cancer, inflammatory processes, neurogenic and peripheral pain.

Research activities

The Laboratory Team is experienced in project and development of diagnostic tools based on advanced thermography for the thermal characterization of objects and tissues.

International relationships

Scientific Supervision of a Research Group working on an international research project concerning the evaluation of chronic pain in partnership with Department of Health Science and Technology, Aalborg University.
Scientific Supervision of a Research Group working on an international research project concerning the early diagnosis of skin cancer in partnership with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, Missouri, United States, Scientific Supervisor Prof. Reza Zoughi.
Lesson on "Measurement Uncertainty and Decision Making", International Research Centre for Telecommunications and Radar (IRCTR), Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands, October 25, 2013.
Organization of International Conferences: 6th Imeko TC19 Symposium on Environmental Instrumentation and Measurements, EnvIMEKO 2016, June 24-25, 2016, Reggio Calabria, Italy; Second Edition 6th Imeko TC19 Workshop on Environmental Instrumentation and Measurements: “Measurements for the Coastal Monitoring”, EnvImeko 2016 SE, October 28, 2016, Reggio Calabria, Italy.
Membership of Working Group for revision of ISO/IEC/IEEE Standards:
Study Group for the revision of the ISO/IEC/IEEE 21451-001 Standard “Recommended Practices for the Signal Treatment Applied to Smart Transducers”, sponsored by the Instrumentation and Measurement Society (IMS)/TC-9, sponsored by the Instrumentation and Measurement Society (IMS)/TC-9 and TC-7, Chair Gustavo Monte. Working Group for the revision of the ISO/IEC/IEEE 21451-1-4 Standard “Sensei/IOT" - a semantic web standard for Sensor Networks, M2M, and the Internet of Things (IoT), sponsored by the Instrumentation and Measurement Society (IMS)/TC-9, Chair William Miller.
Study Group for the revision of the IEEE 1588™ -2008 “Standard for a Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked Measurement and Control Systems”, sponsored by the Instrumentation and Measurement Society (IMS)/TC-9, Chairs John Eidson and Doug Arnold.

Horizon 2020 topics

SC1-BHC-06-2020 Digital diagnostics – developing tools for supporting clinical decisions by integrating various diagnostic data
SC1-BHC-17-2020 Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD) - Prevention and/or early diagnosis of cancer
SFS-04-2019-2020 Integrated health approaches and alternatives to pesticide use

Smart Specialisation Strategy Calabria (S3 Calabria)

Agroalimentare / Food Farming
Bioedilizia / Green Building
Ambiente e rischi naturali / Environment and natural risks
Scienze della vita / Life Science

Research fields

Responsible Keywords ERC Domain
Rosario Morello Archaeological discoveries monitoring, state of conservation PE2_17 - Statistical physics (gases)
PE7_8 - Networks
Rosario Morello Biomedical Measurement, telemedicine, diagnostic algorithms LS7_1 - Medical engineering and technology
LS7_8 - Radiation therapy
Rosario Morello Biotechnologies, biosignal, electromyography LS7_1 - Medical engineering and technology
LS7_8 - Radiation therapy

Patents and acknowledgments

Responsible Patents Acknowledgments
Rosario Morello Nomina membro del Comitato Tecnico Internazionale IMEKO TC19 – Environmental Measurement
Membership Appointment as member of the Technical Committee of IMEKO TC19 – Environmental Measurement

Nomina membro del Comitato Tecnico Internazionale IMEKO TC13 – Measurements in Biology and Medicine
Membership Appointment as member of the Technical Committee of IMEKO TC13 – Measurements in Biology and Medicine

Associate Editor delle riviste internazionali IEEE Sensors Journal e Metrology and Measurement Systems Journal
Associate Editor of IEEE Sensors Journal and Metrology and Measurement Systems Journal


Responsible Keywords Services
Rosario Morello biotechnologies project and development of biomedical systems and biotechnologies for disease diagnosis
Rosario Morello environmental monitoring, pollution environmental monitoring campaign
Rosario Morello advanced thermography, nondestructive testing Project and implementation of tests, accelerated life tests and nondestructive tests for characterizing components and systems

Great equipment

Equipment: Stazione di misura per la caratterizzazione di sollecitazioni termiche mediante Termocamera FLIR x8400sc ad elevate prestazioni e software elaborazioni immagini.
La presente attrezzatura è costituita da un banco di misura per prove su componenti, sistemi e tessuti/liquidi biologici sottoposti a stress termico. Nello specifico la stazione si compone di strumentazione di misura ad elevate prestazioni in grado di acquisire ed elaborare immagini termometriche e caratterizzare le prestazioni di singoli componenti o tessuti/liquidi biologici in presenza di sollecitazioni termiche.

Measurement equipment for the characterisation of thermal responses by Thermal Camera FLIR x8400sc with high performances and software image processing
This equipment consists of a measurement system for non-destructive tests on components, systems and tissue/biologic fluids solicited by thermal stress. The high-performances measurement equipment is able to acquire and process thermographic images in order to characterise the thermal response of components or tissue/biologic fluids in presence of thermal solicitations.
Type of equipment: For exclusive use
Equipment managers: Rosario Morello
Classification: Physical Sciences and Engineering
Funds: Regionali/Nazionali
Activation year: 2013
Users: Internal users
Applications: Progetti di Ricerca
Collaborazioni Scientifiche

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